15 Ways to Fast Track Quality Shopping Centre Management
To be successful in shopping centre management you have to be recognised as a skillful and proactive centre manager. You must be known in the industry as the best at what you do and the landlords need to know of you. Quality shop
So how can you achieve this status in your career? Develop the real skills of centre manager with a focus on:
Lease negotiation skills that drive landlord favourable leases in parity to the market
Tenant mix analysis and strategy to optimise trade and customer numbers
Vacancy minimisation and control of sitting tenants
Vacant space marketing for selected new tenants to the tenant mix
Shopping Centre Business Planning
Income optimisation for the landlord
Expenditure controls for the landlord
Outgoings recoveries that benefit the landlords net return
Tenant communication and service solutions helping them to trade successfully
Reporting and control processes that cover all property events and strategies
Maintenance and contractor management that optimises building function
Marketing strategies for the shopping centre in the community
Lift the customer visitation numbers to the property
Lift the tenants turnover ratios through marketing the property
Provide refurbishment and relocation strategies that allow the property to maintain high levels of presentation.
There are probably a few others for adding to the list, but these are the main ones. These are the ones that a landlord will seek in a good centre manager to take over and improve their property.
The management of a shopping centre or mall is the most complex property management position there is. That is why good retail centre managers are so hard to find. They are few in number and if they are really that good, they may not want to change property or employer. the quality shop
The largest retail properties must be under control and direction of a qualified and experienced centre manager. All of the skills above come into that role.
The fast track to a centre management career can start with smaller properties first, with a focus on improvement of all the properties you manage. It is the property result that you achieve for the landlord, the tenants, and the community that makes retail property management so special.
John Highman is an expert real estate author, conference speaker, and coach. He helps Real Estate Agents globally to improve their property business, market share, listings, and commissions. John is a successful real estate agent himself and has been so for over 30+ years.
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