Choosing the Best Warts Treatment for You

 Picking the best wart treatment for you does not have to be very much of a challenge. And you do not have to give up and choose to live with warts on your skin. Different kinds of warts can appear on different parts of the skin and these warts mostly derive their names from the parts of the skin on which they appear. There are genital warts which appear on the genitals, facial warts which appear on the face, plantar warts which appear on the soles of the feet, filiform warts which appear around the mouth or nose and sometimes, on the neck or under the chin and Palmer warts which appear on the hand. Every one of these warts is caused by a strain of the Human Papillomavirus popularly called HPV. They can usually be contracted by direct contact with people who have these warts or direct contact with places that have been in direct contact with infected people. The good news, however, is that these warts can mostly be treated as easily as they come. Please hit on Research on ED treatment to check more about our services.

General Wart Treatments You Can Choose From

There are lots of simple wart treatments to choose from. You simply need to determine which one of these is the best wart treatment for you based on factors such as the kind of wart you have, how effective a particular treatment has been or any other medical condition you might have. Some doctors say that the best wart treatment is no treatment at all because the immune system, under normal circumstances, can fight and cause them to clear out on their own. However, if they are painful and unsightly and you choose to treat them, here are a few general methods you can choose from.  Please hit on Research on ED treatment to check more about our services.

Use pineapple: The natural acids and enzymes present in pineapple qualify it as one of the best wart treatments available. Just apply fresh pineapple directly on the wart as many times a day as you can until the warts are eliminated.

Use baking powder: Simply mix baking powder with castor oil to achieve a thick paste. Apply this paste to the wart and cover with a bandage. Do this repeatedly till you see results.

Use Aloe Vera: Warts generally hate acids and Aloe Vera contains malic acid. Simply apply the inner gel of an Aloe Vera plant to the wart and cover with a bandage. Leave this through the night and remove in the morning. Repeat the process for as long as it takes to eliminate warts.

Use your urine: The acid content of urine has proven to be very effective in the treatment of warts. Simply soak a cotton swab with your urine and place it on the wart. Hold this in place with a tape or bandage and leave it on for about the whole day before taking it out. Repeat the process until you achieve positive results.

Use apple cider vinegar: This is the best wart treatment you can try at home. Soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and use a bandage or tape to hold it in place against the wart. Leave on for twenty-four hours before taking it out. Do this daily until warts fall out.

Use vitamin C: Grind a few vitamin C tablets and mix with water to achieve a paste. Apply this mixture to your wart and cover it with a bandage. Repeat this process daily and it will only take a short while for warts to disappear.

Use salicylic acid: This is an over-the-counter treatment and is one of the best wart treatments available. It usually comes in liquid form or as a patch. With this treatment, just soak the wart affected area in water for fifteen or twenty minutes to make the skin on the area soft. After this, file the wart with an emery board and then apply the salicylic acid. Repeat this process until warts die out. Remember to throw the used emery board away after use to avoid infecting others or re-infecting yourself.

Use tea tree oil: This is one of the best wart treatments available and more so because it is very easy to use. All you need to do is apply a few drops of the oil on the wart continuously for a few days and look forward to the elimination of warts.

Get a surgery: This can be the best wart treatment for people with tough cases of warts. There are a number of surgeries which a person can undergo for the treatment of warts. This would usually be recommended by a doctor in cases of warts that do not disappear on their own for several years, warts that defy other treatments, extremely painful warts and warts that keep coming back even after treatments. This method usually comes as a last resort.

The above-given wart treatment methods are among the best wart treatments available and have been very effective in the treatment of warts for many people. These treatments can generally be used to eliminate warts on most parts of the skin. As earlier said, however, you should determine which treatment is best for you based on factors such as the type of wart you have, the effectiveness of the treatment you choose and any medical condition you might have. Be conscious of the pros and cons of any treatment you choose so as to be sure which is the best wart treatment for you. Learn all you can about any treatment method you choose to be sure that it is what your skin needs.

If your warts are on your face, a very delicate part of the body, you should avoid a surgery to avoid scars unless it is absolutely required. You should also be careful with the use of very acidic wart remedies to avoid experiencing a burn. People who have broken or bleeding skin should not use remedies such as the tea tree oil as it can cause irritations. People with sensitive skin should mix the tea tree oil, if they choose this remedy, with a gentle oil like olive oil.

If you are diabetic, you should check with your doctor to help you choose the best wart treatment for you as some treatments may be unsuitable and sometimes ineffective for diabetics. Also, if you have a weak immune system or a condition like peripheral arterial disease, you should consult your doctor to work with you in choosing the best wart treatment so as to avoid infections.

If you have a case of stubborn warts that keep recurring, your doctor may have to prescribe more aggressive methods of treating your warts. If your warts cover a large area of skin, then the best wart treatment for you may be one such as the use of salicylic acid instead of more painful methods that could result in scars.

You should also be careful about the treatment you choose if you are pregnant. Generally, it is advisable that you do not self-medicate during pregnancy. Your doctor is in the position to pick the best wart treatment for you especially if the warts are in an area like the vagina and are very large or tend to grow during the pregnancy.

Finally, consider the cost of treatment. How much money you can afford can sometimes be the determiner of the best wart treatment for you. If you want less expensive wart treatment methods then you might want to consider using home remedies which are usually cheaper and can be as effective as doctors' treatments although they take longer to produce results.


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