How to Research Hair Loss Treatments the Smart Way

 Balding is one of those things in life that creep up on you, because when your very young it's one of those things that you just assume it won't happen. That was definitely my case! I have a long family history of bald men on my father's side of the family, but none on my mother's side. I just assumed since my physical appearance was closer to my mother, that I was free and clear of ever having to deal with thinning hair or at the very least having to deal with it further down the line instead of early in life like my uncles. Please hit on Research on ED treatment to check more about our services.

Unfortunately I was wrong, and I official started balding at the age of 21. I have to say it was a very dramatic experience. Every morning I would find hairs on my pillow, it got to the point where I was shedding more hair then a cat. After many months of feeling humiliated, I decided to shave it all off. Being young and balding was just horrible; it definitely made me more self-conscious, but I did not let it defeat me. Please hit on Research on ED treatment to check more about our services.

I decided to do my research on way to combat this problem and I ran into some very interesting solutions like doing more aerobic workouts. Aerobics can help keep androgen levels naturally lower while maintaining overall health; lowering stress and increasing blood flow to your scalp. I also decided to learn yoga for stress reduction purposes because excessive stress can cause hair loss. The reason stress causes hair loss is because it increases DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) levels in your body, which in turn can cause hair loss.

Aerobics and stress reduction made a difference; I started to actually grow some of my hair back! But the results were not as dramatic as I would have liked them to be, so I decided to look into hair transplant surgery. After doing some research I quickly realized that it was out of my league economically. Some of the prices for this miracle surgery ranged "between" $5,000 to $25,000 and when you're in your early twenties, coming up with that much money is not easy.

So instead I started to research hair loss treatment, which was a much cheaper solution. In doing research I stumbled on couple of promising products and went with one that seemed like the best for me. Unfortunately, this treatment barely made a difference and caused all types of undesirable side affects. I felt like an idiot, it was very discouraged that I blew more then $100 on a product that didn't work.


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